Wound Care Global

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Upcoming Wound Care Conferences & Events (UPDATED 28 March 2024)

Upcoming Wound Care and Related Conferences, Meetings, Exhibitions, & Industry Events There used to be a couple of solid online lists of wound care industry events that are no longer maintained. The current ones are either too US focused, ignore ecosystem conferences (ex: home care), and/or include meetings that are not very relevant, or in some cases of questionable reputation and value…so I decided to make my own! If I am attending / faculty / speaking / moderating a session, and have a discount code, I will put it in the Remarks section. Is there a wound care (or adjacent-yet-relevant) industry event that is relevant to our audience and not listed above? Interested in Wound Care Global’s Rafael Mazuz to attend as faculty, moderator, chairperson, pitch competition judge, or another capacity? If so, contact us, providing as much detail as possible.

Upcoming Wound Care Conferences & Events (UPDATED 28 March 2024) Read Post »

TA + DWCG Logos

Diligence Wound Care Global Managing Director Rafael Mazuz Joins Tissue Analytics Board as Independent Director

We’re thrilled to share this important announcement (read the official press release here). But even before getting into the details of the features and capabilities of the Tissue Analytics (TA) platform, it’s important to convey why we decided to stake our reputation on this particular innovative skin and wound care company in the digital health space. After all, we serve top wound care brands, from dressings and compression therapy, to negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), to cellular and tissue products (CTPs), to pharmaceuticals, and everything in between. We work diligently to raise the bar for every client, for every product and service, across every market.   Then why, when it comes to the mobile assessment, integration, and analytics segment, have we aligned with a specific firm? Because we see firsthand what they have delivered for our clients. Over the course of several years, we have had a chance to evaluate most of the solutions in this space, visited and worked with hundreds of facilities and clinicians, and advised scores of leading and rising product firms. This allowed us to see the platforms–and the teams behind them–operating in the real world of wound care business. Some companies had great teams but were clueless about market needs or security requirements to protect sensitive health data. Other solutions were overly cumbersome and expensive. Some simply lacked the honesty and integrity standards that are critical to our institutional investor, MNC / SME / startup, and trusted healthcare services partners and their brands. In contrast, Tissue Analytics is well-liked and has consistently delivered for wound care stakeholders, including real-world use cases such as: Objective, accurate, fast, and cost-effective multi-site clinical trials (obeservational + interventional; pre + post-market) resulting in faster and cheaper go-to-market execution Marketing strategy execution and long term brand value for a major global distributor launching new products across multiple markets simultaneously Turnkey full integrations across major EMRs (almost unheard of in the healthcare industry), resulting in faster deployments and fewer IT (expensive!) resources Exponential ROI from reduced operational, regulatory, and compliance expenses and penalties Connecting data from digital and smart diagnostics (perfusion, temperature, pressure, moisture, infection, etc.) seamlessly with EMRs, care navigators, and clinicians Empowerment of field-based, non-wound-certified clinicians via virtual wound care services (telemedicine) 3D rendering of wound depth and surface models without the need for external hardware attachments Best-in-class analytics capabilities, which opens up machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), risk sharing, and many other “holy grails” of wound care (and healthcare overall) As our clients increasingly dealt with forces and developments such as: Expiration of IP and (perceived) commoditization / lack of differentiation across multiple product categories High costs and enrollment periods for even small (<100 patient) trials at a small number of sites Difficulty for less-established players to penetrate the market Increased influence by healthcare systems, MCOs, and wound care management firms over purchasing and treatment decisions Reimbursement pressures and documentation scrutiny (in the US) Lack of options for treatment and usage data insights from across the continuum of care …we simultaneously observed and interacted with the TA team as a result of our normal business activities. It became clear that in the midst of such a turbulent era in the industry, TA is a hi-tech engine to help deliver the captain, crew, and passengers to their destination faster and more efficiently. It’s also the best solution to connect all of the new digital-enabled and smart devices, diagnostics, telemed services, and other emerging wound care innovations (and the data points they generate) with the providers and other stakeholders. Without a seamless conduit for that information, those solutions will struggle with real world adoption. TA is the front-runner to be that conduit. In the coming weeks and months, many more industry collaborations will be announced. They involve some of the most cutting edge companies in this space partnering with Tissue Analytics on impressive, next-generation initiatives that are raising the bar for the development and delivery of advanced wound and skin care. Many of the innovations in development and launching are great ones to integrate with the TA platform, too–removing obstacles to adoption of such solutions. In fact, multiple companies we work with are already eyeing TA as the cornerstone of their new product commercialization plans. Rest assured that regardless of whether wound care stakeholders leverage Tissue Analytics, another digital solution, or shy away from this dimension of the industry completely, Diligence Wound Care Global will remain a radar and GPS to guide them safely and with confidence. Update: As of April 2020, Tissue Analytics, Inc. has been acquired by Net Health, Inc. Become a keener wound care executive. Are you a health care, services, and/or medtech executive involved in skin and wound care? Do you have strategic, operational, R&D, or marketing goals that might be executed in a more successful, cost effective, and agile manner by leveraging new digital health platforms such as Tissue Analytics? Get in touch to discuss your unique wound care business challenge and whether Tissue Analytics might be part of the solution.

Diligence Wound Care Global Managing Director Rafael Mazuz Joins Tissue Analytics Board as Independent Director Read Post »

What We’ve Been up to in 2018 Q3 – Q4 and What It Means for the Global Wound Care Business Outlook

What We’ve Been up to in 2018 Q3 – Q4 and What It Means for the Global Wound Care Business Outlook A tour around the wound care world The past few months of 2018 have been quite packed and exciting for us at Diligence Wound Care Global. We wanted to share some of what we’ve been doing and learning during Q3 and so far in Q4 this year (while keeping in mind that most details of our business activities are highly confidential). Most importantly, we’ll highlight relevant insights along the way which will help empower you to be confident in your wound care business decisions.   Kicking it off with education, networking, investment, and innovation in the US… Following an educational yet fun conference during The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA)‘s national meeting in Washington, DC, we were tapped for multiple wound care due diligence cycles throughout the mid and late summer. In between, we found time to contribute to the September edition of Today’s Wound Clinic. We also conducted strategic advisory sessions with a relatively new client in the Midwestern US to assess and consult on their commercial strategy and next moves. With the availability of so many different wound care products for treating etiologies and symptoms, a new-to-wound-care, Asian client who once attended a conference with me joked, “It’s like a night market! So many options!” He may have been new to wound care, but his assessment was spot on. Even for experienced wound care clinicians, the options can seem overwhelming. But with the right strategy, positioning, and execution, it’s possible for a strong product to rise above all the noise. Taking that approach, we’re excited to be working with this new American innovation to get it in the hands of as many clinicians–and in the wounds of as many patients–who might benefit from it. …to Europe for a new perspective on an old problem… When we conduct portfolio assessments, advisory sessions, and workshops for our corporate strategy and business development clients, we stress that the focus should be on solving stakeholders’ clinical, operational, and financial needs, as opposed to purely filling gaps based on traditional product categories.   It was with this principle in mind that we traveled to Europe to meet with a very early stage startup client in the university incubator/fellowship environment. One of the things that is most exciting about the need their new solution is addressing is that it helps to solve one of the areas of wound care delivery that has not received much attention or innovation for many years. As we work with them to hone in their development and commercialization life cycles around the true market needs, we can tell that by the time it’s ready for launch, it will be very much on point. We’re looking forward to sharing more details in the coming months.   …then Eastward to Asia… Those who know and follow Diligence Wound Care Global’s work are aware that aside from North America and Europe, we are heavily involved in the evolution of wound care across Asia Pacific, with engagements throughout the region at any given time. Q3 (and Q4) this year was (and will be) no different: Internal and external stakeholder competency development We began this leg of the trip by supporting a well-respected, MNC industry client in building and developing their wound care competencies across multiple markets. This included the creation of best-in-class training assets, face-to-face facilitation of “zero to hero” wound care ecosystem training, and interactive role playing and similar exercises. We delivered this for both the sales and marketing teams (field and corporate), as well as the key support roles involved with each market such as medical affairs, training, and regional leadership. Yet our planning and groundwork activities do not end there. At the same time as we’re delivering value for internal stakeholders, this particular client has the foresight to also drive value for its external stakeholders. In other words, beyond simply selling the “features and benefits” of its products (which are great ones), our role is to support our client in “raising the bar” on wound care services management and delivery throughout the region. Important everywhere, but especially in this part of the world, the goal of creating long-term relationships and partnerships has been at the core of their success. To further that goal, we met with C-Suite executives, physicians/surgeons, and nursing staff in every market we visited. The internal stakeholders we trained each morning and afternoon duly benefited from joining for the external stakeholder meetings in the evenings–via both a deeper appreciation of their customers’ ecosystem and pain points, as well as the stronger rapport that goes along with that. Although unrelated to the above engagement, this vision of furthering the clinical-operational-financial delivery of wound care was also articulated to us during a recent meeting with the CEO of a leading global product firm. In fact, from where we sit, most of the top-performing wound care executives are viewing the future of the industry through this trend (though the road maps they are each developing are unique). These and other concepts for wound care global success will be presented and discussed in greater detail during our session at SAWC Fall 2018 (see below for details and a registration discount code). “Raising the bar” for wound care delivery One particular activity during this recent trip was especially memorable and instructive: Participating as faculty for The Philippine Orthopedic Wound Care and Diabetic Limb Society, which is the newest of 12 sub-specialty groups under The Philippine Orthopaedic Association (other sub-groups include sports medicine, spine, trauma, hand, shoulder, and pediatric ortho). What I experienced there left me with a sense of optimism about the future of wound care in this part of the world: From the effectively delivered presentations from interdisciplinary perspectives, to the motivation of attendees to setup their own wound care centers, the prospects are indeed bright. …and full circle back to the United States (around the globe). By mid-September, some crucial M&A scouting, exciting

What We’ve Been up to in 2018 Q3 – Q4 and What It Means for the Global Wound Care Business Outlook Read Post »

Do you manage, invest in, or work with a challenged wound care program? This is for you…

A quick update… We’ve been super busy empowering clients’ wound care businesses so far in 2018: Engagements in Hong Kong, Malaysia, coast-to-coast in the US, and now gearing up for some groundwork in Mexico and both Eastern and Western Europe, to name just a few. In between, we’ve been attending and prepping for key industry events, including Diabetic Limb Salvage (DLS) in Washington, DC (ending today), SAWC Spring in Charlotte, North Carolina (26-29 April), followed by EWMA in Krakow, Poland (9-11 May). The rest of the year shows no signs of slowing down, either! But when Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC) Managing Editor Joe Darrah asked me to contribute to this month’s edition (April 2018), I just couldn’t turn him down. That’s because the theme of the entire edition is, “How to Fix Your Failing Wound Clinic.” It’s a topic of great interest to me, since managing wound centers forms the cornerstone of my wound care experience. In other words, it’s an important lens through which we provide our clients insights, guidance, and confidence. As such, I’m proud to share with you the finished article, Diagnosis & Treatment of The Failing Wound Care Center: 2 Underappreciated Considerations. Free print copies of the entire April TWC magazine will be distributed at SAWC Spring later this month, too (usually near the entrance to the exhibition hall). Organizational and Management Wound Care Center Challenges I urge anyone with an interest in this topic to check out the full article and share it with colleagues who might find it of value. Following is a quick summary of the issues covered. Today, there are more resources available than ever for getting a struggling (or new) wound care center on the right track. These include medical and product training, clinical documentation courses, mobile assessment platforms, specialty electronic health records (EHRs), and revenue cycle management and supply chain consultants, to name just a few. In fact, when hospitals and wound centers partner with a wound care management company, the goal is often to pull together several of those “tools” together into a single package. But I had yet to come across a fair (unbiased), third party look at the “big picture” options available. As such, the article focuses on two considerations: Organizational: What is the reporting structure (if any) of the wound care center? Is it a good fit for the size, needs, and challenges / aspirations of the team? How can the right balance be struck so that wound care services receive enough attention and resources, yet don’t suffer from micromanagement or apathy? The article weighs the relative advantages and drawbacks of the following structures: Reporting to hospital C-Suite Reporting to hospital VP/director-level Independent/owner reporting structure Management: Although there have recently emerged an increasing number of flavors of wound care management, for the sake of this discussion, we divided them into three categories: Full service outsourced Flexible outsourced Insourced If anyone tells you that one form is superior to the other in all cases and for all wound centers, they’re either not being genuine or they simply do not have a full command of the wound care services space. Although a deep dive into wound care management approaches goes way beyond what can be communicated in a single article, the goal is to expand the reader’s horizons when considering options. Are you facing similar challenges? Executives and investors facing wound care services challenges such as those mentioned in the article are always encouraged to reach out. We have worked on both sides of the equation, and our interest is to help clients choose the best path forward for their current situation–whatever shape that may take. If you’re involved with: A struggling or new wound care center, A program seeking to deliver at a higher level, or Discovery or due diligence on a potential wound care services investment Get in touch or seek us out at one of the upcoming major industry conferences.

Do you manage, invest in, or work with a challenged wound care program? This is for you… Read Post »

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Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new, updated site! In addition to a total redesign, we are pleased to offer several new tools and features. This includes the ability to: Get your free download of The Definitive Wound Care Investment and Partnership Due Diligence Checklist Schedule a consult directly from the site Access wound care business resources …and of course this new content section where we’ll publish insights and other valuable information to empower wound care business stakeholders. We published a lot articles and other content prior to this new website, many of which can still be found here. And of course we will continue contributing to leading wound care / biomedical / healthcare publications such as Today’s Wound Clinic, MedTech Intelligence, Healthcare Business International, The Advisory Board Company, and others. Reach out to us with any requests or questions. And as always…Become a keener wound care executive.

Welcome to our new site! Read Post »