A figure showing the many clinical, operational, financial, and quality benefits of an advanced wound care program.

Are Advanced Wound Care and Management Services The Next Frontier in Asian (and Emerging Markets) Healthcare?

Advanced Wound Care Global, our vehicle for bringing advanced wound care to areas of the world where the need and opportunity are greatest, was recently invited by Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management to share our thoughts on the potential for advanced wound care in Asia. Here is a brief excerpt from the intro: Asia has developed some of the highest quality, patient-centric, cost-effective, and value-based medical services in the world. From specialty1 ophthalmology, cardiovascular, and orthopedic care, to organ transplants, plastic surgery, and dental procedures–excellent healthcare, the same or better than in the West, is available to locals and medical tourists alike. But access to one critical, fast-growing service line in particular is mostly untapped across Asia: Advanced wound care and management. Click here to continue reading the full article on the Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management website. Contact us to discuss wound care management services in areas of the world where the need and opportunity are greatest. Most importantly, don’t get hit with bad wound care business decisions.

Are Advanced Wound Care and Management Services The Next Frontier in Asian (and Emerging Markets) Healthcare? Read Post »